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April 11, 2019

Cherry Blossom viewing in Berlin 2019

Cherry Blossom viewing in Berlin 2019

In case you can’t go to Japan for the cherry blossom season, you can still enjoy the feeling in Berlin. On April 14th, the Gärten der Welt will open their doors for the annual Kirschblütenfest (cherry blossom festival).

March 24, 2019

Markthalle Neun

Markthalle Neun

Markthalle Neun is one of the most famous places in Berlin’s food scene, but in some ways its success is a mixed blessing.

February 21, 2019

Japan Travel Basics

Japan Travel Basics

I admit that we’ve been to Japan a few times. That hardly makes us experts on the subject. Still, people have kept asking about those trips; so we decided to share what we know.