All about travel - page 2 of 2

February 21, 2019

Japan Travel Basics

Japan Travel Basics

I admit that we’ve been to Japan a few times. That hardly makes us experts on the subject. Still, people have kept asking about those trips; so we decided to share what we know.

October 12, 2018

Manage your travel money

Manage your travel money

Money and payment on the road can be a bit more exiting than at home: Businesses elsewhere have different habits, you house bank is far away and you have to bring funds with you in some way.

September 17, 2018

Be a tourist!

Be a tourist!

Do you want to be a tourist? Probably not. Tourist are loud. Disrespectful. Obnoxious. They invade the best places, and ruin them. They live in a fake world of pre-packaged experiences. They are scammed, overcharged and taken advantage of. And you are one of them.